Friday, March 20, 2015

Thursday fun

Students are loving their experience living with families.  It is wonderful to see how Mateo and Pau play with their host family children (futbol).  Will's spirits are higher and we are hoping he feels well enough to join the group tomorrow for a campout.  Tess was with us this afternoon and joined Megan, Lana, and Mr. Diaz in the "cheerleader" section as others enjoyed a lively game of soccer.  Sophia taught us all how to be a goalie.  And, Sienna and Asset did fantastically both offensively and defensively.  The girls continue to be enamored by all the dogs and were wanting to adopt a few of the puppies we saw today.  Alexa commented on how they've enjoyed playing games with their families and last night went on a nice walk through the side cobblestone streets.  Today several of the girls also squeezed in a nice siesta after a full morning and lunch.

This morning we had a Chasqui Challenge where students were divided into two teams and worked cooperatively to complete five stations in various parts around town.  Navigation was one critical aspect.  Students learned to peel choclo (corn), prepare (and eat!) a dish called Causa (made with potatoes, avocado, and chicken salad), hike up to ruins and make an offering, protect the "Inca" on their team as they navigated through ruins doing their best to stay dry (to simulate the Carnival season that was held across Peru last month), and dance to traditional indigenous music.  Laughs were had by all and it was especially nice to watch kind acts like Wolfgang's quickness in offering his poncho to the "Inca" on his team.  

Students returned to their host families for lunch and time to rest (or play soccer) before we joined up for the afternoon group game of soccer.  Following this, Randall (our World Leadership trip leader) laid out his gear as a demonstration on how students should pack for tomorrow's short hike and camp out.  

Spirits continue to stay high and hopefully you can see by the pictures below that everyone is having a lot of fun.  


Mateo's mom, Maria said...
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Mateo's mom, Maria said...

Thank you for sharing more pictures of their activities. So happy to see their smiles! (btw, why was Teo looking grumpy in one of them?) Hey, is Teo eating enough? He looks like he's losing weight! lol.

Yey! Futbol! Now this trip really is complete. :)

Keep 'em coming. We are looking forward to each post!

Mateo's mom, Maria said...
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